Embracing Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month: A Guide for Seniors

As we age, it is normal for our bodies and minds to undergo various changes. But when those changes begin to interfere with daily life, there may be a more serious underlying issue such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. With June being Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, now is an ideal time to understand the value of brain health, especially for seniors.

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

While often used interchangeably, it is important to understand that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are not the same thing. Dementia is the general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, while Alzheimer’s is a specific form of dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Association defines Alzheimer’s as “a brain disease that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior”. The disease progresses slowly, with symptoms worsening over time, making early intervention crucial. A timely diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can significantly improve the quality of life for older adults and their families by allowing access to support services and advancements in medicine. Most importantly, it enables individuals to plan for the future and make important decisions regarding their care.

Key symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  2. Difficulty in completing familiar tasks
  3. Confusion with time or place
  4. Trouble with speaking or writing
  5. Misplacing common items
  6. Decreased judgement
  7. Changes in mood or personality

If you have noticed one or more of the signs listed above in a loved one, it may be time to address your concerns with your loved one and a medical professional. While it is natural to be nervous or not know how to approach the subject, these changes could indicate a serious, underlying health concern and should not be ignored.

Promoting Brain Health

While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, certain lifestyle choices can help promote brain health and help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. The CDC offers the following tips to help maintain brain health:

  • Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain and can help improve brain health and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Activities such as walking and swimming can be beneficial for older adults. The Hemsworth Wellness Center at Maple Knoll Village consists of highly trained staff members that curate programs designed specifically for older adults and their physical abilities.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports overall health. Managing your blood sugar can also have benefits for your physical and mental health.
  • Keep the Mind Active: Engage in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, reading, or learning a new skill. The Life Enrichment department at Maple Knoll Village offers numerous opportunities for critical thinking and learning through their robust program offerings.
  • Stay Socially Engaged: Social interactions can help maintain cognitive function and improve your overall mood. Find ways to be social and participate in community activities such as joining a club or volunteering once a week. Residents at Maple Knoll Village have opportunities to join various clubs on campus such as writing club, drama club, book club, golf scramble, the community garden club, and much more.
  • Get Quality Sleep: According to the Sleep Foundation, the older people get, the more their quality and duration of sleep can alter due to natural changes in their body and brain. Because poor sleep has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s, it is essential that older adults maintain a regular sleep schedule and try to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Reducing bedroom distractions, developing a bedtime routine, and avoiding substances that discourage sleep such as caffeine or large meals before bed can all assist in a better night’s sleep.

Brain awareness is crucial for older adults to help ensure a high quality of life and independence. By understanding the importance of brain health and adopting proactive measures, seniors can significantly enhance their cognitive functions and overall well-being. The Alzheimer’s Association has many great resources to educate and assist you with approaching the topic of memory concerns and supporting loved ones with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Communities such as Maple Knoll Village offer compassionate memory support with staff specifically trained to assist those with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

This Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month let’s prioritize brain health and empower seniors to live their best lives.

Embracing Generosity

While the act of giving knows no bounds, there is a special place where it can have a profound impact – a nonprofit retirement community.

Retirement communities are essential for our aging loved ones and can provide them with a quality home for their golden years. But simply having a roof over their heads is not enough. Nonprofit retirement communities place quality of life and the well-being of residents over the bottom-line profit. In fact, at a nonprofit community, all funds are invested back into the community providing elevated comfort, care, and quality of life for residents.

Nonprofit retirement communities thrive when enveloped in an atmosphere of generosity and kindness. Giving to a nonprofit community has numerous benefits for both recipients and those who give such as enhanced community offerings, a sense of belonging, and a culture of gratitude.

Enhanced Community Offerings

Financial contributions to non-profit retirement communities can allow for improved facilities and expanded services. This may include upgraded living accommodations, innovative solutions for senior care, and overall improved quality of life for residents.

Whether it is funding healthcare services, recreational activities, or educational programs, donations from the community play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for seniors. These generous contributions enrich the daily lives of residents, providing them with opportunities for joy, laughter, and personal growth.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

Whether it is through donations, volunteer work, or simple acts of kindness – giving to a nonprofit retirement community like Maple Knoll Village provides a shared purpose. This sense of camaraderie can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness by creating a supportive environment in which everyone feels valued and appreciated.

For those living in retirement communities, engaging in acts of kindness and philanthropy can boost self-esteem, reduce stress, and increase their overall happiness levels. Likewise, receiving support and assistance from volunteers and donors can uplift their spirits and instill a sense of optimism. This creates a positive atmosphere full of mutual respect, kindness, and empathy which fosters stronger relationships among residents and staff members.

A Culture of Gratitude

In a world where acts of kindness and generosity are more important than ever, giving to nonprofit retirement communities stands out as a profoundly meaningful endeavor. Knowing that they have made a positive difference in the lives of seniors can be a source of pride and fulfillment for donors and volunteers alike.

By giving to a nonprofit retirement community, individuals leave behind a lasting legacy of compassion and kindness. Their contributions not only make a difference in the lives of current residents but also pave the way for future generations to benefit from the same spirit of generosity. This creates a timeless gift that continues to enrich the lives of others for years to come.

If you would like to make a difference and contribute to the lives of seniors in our community, visit us online at https://mapleknoll.org/donate/.

Recognizing the Signs Your Loved One Needs Memory Support

As our loved one’s age, it is natural for them to experience cognitive changes such as occasionally forgetting where they placed their keys or mixing up the time for an appointment. But when these changes begin occurring more frequently and interfere with their daily life, it may be a sign that memory support is needed.

Understanding the signs to look out for can help older adults receive the care and support they need to live a happy and fulfilling life. Below are common signs that your loved one may need memory support.

Increased forgetfulness or confusion

One of the most common signs of cognitive decline is increased forgetfulness that goes beyond the norm. According to the National Institute on Aging, consistent forgetfulness such as failing to recall important or recent events or forgetting the names of people they know well could indicate your loved one is experiencing memory problems outside of the typical age-related forgetfulness.

Older adults with more advanced memory problems may also experience confusion or disorientation in familiar environments such as getting lost in their own neighborhood, placing items in unusual places, or accusing others of stealing those misplaced items. This confusion can become stressful for your loved one if left unaddressed for too long.

Difficulty with familiar tasks

Struggling to perform tasks that were once routine can be a warning sign that your loved one is experiencing memory loss. The Mayo Clinic advises that difficulty with tasks your loved one has performed for years such as following a favorite recipe, paying their bills, or managing their medications could demonstrate a need for memory support.

Challenges with communication

Struggling to communicate or follow conversations could also be a symptom of memory problems. The Cleveland Clinic suggests that experiencing challenges with communication such as frequently repeating themselves, losing their train of thought midsentence, or having trouble finding the right word may indicate that your loved one is experiencing increased cognitive decline.

Changes in Judgement and Behavior

Unfortunately, memory problems can affect an older adult’s judgement and ability to make decisions. Making unusual or risky decisions such as giving away large sums of money, repeatedly falling victim to the same scam, or exhibiting impaired judgement in everyday decisions are all signs your loved one may need memory support.

You might also notice changes in your loved one’s behavior or personality. The National Institute on Aging shares that memory issues can lead to social withdrawal and changes in behavior such as losing interest in activities they once enjoyed, experiencing mood swings or depression, and imagining things that aren’t there.

The time to act is now

If your loved one is experiencing some or all of these symptoms, it may be time to look at memory supportive living.

The award-winning memory support at Maple Knoll Village empowers older adults to lead independent and purposeful lives.

With a home-like environment, nursing staff on-site 24/7, and personalized care plans, you can rest assured that your loved one’s needs will be well taken care of Maple Knoll Village. Our memory support staff are well-equipped and trained to provide specialized care that helps older adults maintain their cognitive skills, sense of self, and quality of life by creating meaningful routines that help reduce frustration.

Let Maple Knoll Village take care of your loved one with assisted living memory support. Experience the Best Memory Care in the Greater Cincinnati area according to the 2023 Cincinnati Choice Awards!

Call 513-782-2717 or visit us online to begin your loved one’s journey to a better future today!

The Vital Role of Social Workers in Senior Living Communities

A social worker in a senior living community is a professional who specializes in providing support, assistance, and advocacy for older adults. They are often the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide vital care and compassion to residents. Some of the key roles social workers hold include helping residents navigate transitions, advocating for their overall well-being, and encouraging respect and resilience.

Navigating transitions

Moving to a senior living community is a significant life change that can cause feelings of anxiety or stress. Social workers help assist residents and their families by providing emotional support and assistance.

Whether it is transitioning to a higher level of care, coping with moving, or grappling with age-related health challenges, social workers provide invaluable support to residents and their families every step of the way. They offer counseling services, facilitate family meetings, and coordinate with healthcare professionals to ensure seamless transitions that prioritize the emotional well-being and comfort of the resident.

By addressing mental health concerns proactively, social workers help promote an environment where individuals can thrive emotionally, despite the inevitable challenges they may face as they age.

Advocating for the resident’s well-being

Social workers also serve as tireless advocates that seek to uphold the residents’ rights within their community. They recognize that every resident has unique interests, preferences, and needs and respect the resident’s individuality by advocating for care plans that will meet these specific requirements.

They also help ensure that the resident’s voice is heard, their rights are respected, and their choices are honored. Whether it is navigating complex healthcare systems, facilitating care plan discussions, or addressing concerns about living conditions, social workers uphold the dignity of every resident under their care.

Encouraging respect and resilience

Unfortunately, healthcare challenges often occur throughout the aging process and can have negative effects on the emotional well-being of residents. Feelings of anxiety or depression can cause residents to withdraw and socially isolate themselves. Through group activities, support groups, and one-on-one interactions, social workers can create opportunities for residents to forge meaningful connections by creating a sense of community. In doing so, they not only alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation but also nurture an environment where there is mutual support and respect.

Social workers also help empower residents and their families to become more resilient by equipping them with coping strategies and problem-solving skills that help them navigate life challenges. Whether it is coping with chronic illness, mourning the loss of a loved one, or adjusting to changes in healthcare needs, social workies help instill a sense of optimism and resilience.

The role of a social worker far surpasses what is outlined in their job description. Their commitment to compassion, advocacy, and empowerment is truly invaluable to those they care for. In a world where human connection is a necessity, social workers are the unsung heroes who help create thriving senior living communities.

Are Retirement Communities Worth It?

maple knoll village retirement community

Are you considering a retirement community for yourself or your loved one?

With so many options for senior living available, it can be hard to decide if a retirement community is the best fit for you or your loved one. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the value of retirement communities:

Lifestyle Needs: Retirement communities often offer a range of amenities and services designed to appeal to a diverse population. They also supply a built-in social network of friendly neighbors to help combat loneliness and isolation by providing companionship. Communities such as Maple Knoll Village offer extensive amenities such as a fitness center, indoor pool, technology learning lab, certified arboretum with walking trails, travel opportunities, planned social events, and more.

If you value an active and socially engaged lifestyle, retirement communities can certainly provide you with a fulfilling and enriching environment.

Maintenance-Free Living: The older we get, the harder it becomes to safely maintain the upkeep of large homes and spacious yards. Retirement communities will often provide maintenance-free living services to alleviate the burden of house upkeep. These services may include housekeeping, landscaping, and maintenance. Maple Knoll Village also offers services such as security, snow removal, transportation, an onsite full-service salon, and more. The less time spent on the tedious tasks of upkeep, the more time available to spend living life to the fullest.

Long-Term Planning: Consider your long-term needs. Will a retirement community be better able to meet your needs as you age? Some retirement communities have a continuum of care that allows residents to transition to higher levels of care such as assisted living or skilled nursing when necessary. These communities are categorized as continuing care retirement communities (CCRC).

As a CCRC, Maple Knoll Village provides peace of mind for residents knowing they have found a place to call home for the rest of their lives, regardless of how their healthcare needs may change. If you or a loved one have specific health needs or anticipate needing more assistance with daily activities as you age, a retirement community with on-site healthcare services may be the best fit for you.

Financial Considerations: The cost of living in a retirement community varies widely depending on the location of the community, services offered, and your individual needs. 

Some seniors may choose to age in place in their home. But as they grow older, they may need to hire outside help for housekeeping, lawn maintenance, and personal care needs. It is essential to consider all factors when evaluating if a retirement community is worth the cost. Evaluate the initial entry fee, monthly fees, and services or amenities offered at the community. Compare these costs with the expenses associated with maintaining your current home and projected expenses as you age.

Having a financial plan in mind for future needs will help you make the best evaluation possible.

Research and Visit: The best ways to learn about a retirement community are to visit it in person, view their website or online resources, and speak to their current residents. Most retirement communities will have designated staff available to show you around and help you determine if their community is the best fit.

Many communities also will have social media sites that are great at giving you an inside look at what life is like at that specific community. Maple Knoll Village has a very active presence on Facebook and Instagram where you can see photos and videos of real resident homes, events, trips, and more!

Deciding whether a retirement community is worth it really is a personal decision based on your unique needs and wants. If you value amenities, peace of mind, and a sense of community, retirement communities like Maple Knoll Village are certainly a great option for you to live out your retirement years to the fullest.

2023 MKV Inductee into the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame – Gary Booth

While there are countless unsung heroes throughout history that are deserving of great recognition and appreciation, few have dedicated their retirement years to creating a better and more sustainable world that will be led by future generations to come. One such older adult, Gary Booth, has done just that.

Born and raised in Kentucky, Gary has stayed connected with his roots as he seeks to elevate the community through various scholarships, academic support, economic research, and green energy projects. His “retirement” is spent dedicated to helping today’s students gain the skills needed to change tomorrow’s future.

After earning his doctorate in organic chemistry from Ohio State University, Gary went on to work at Procter & Gamble as a phenomenally successful research manager. During his 31-year career at P&G, Gary contributed to the development of well-known products such as Bounty paper towels, Pantene shampoo, Crest toothpaste, Folgers coffee, and many more items that have now become a staple in most households.

In 2008, Gary and his wife, Jane, established the Booth Scholarship Fund for Chemistry and Biochemistry at Ohio State. The goal of this scholarship fund is to provide fully covered educational opportunities for future generations of chemists regardless of their financial limitations. Both Gary and his wife also serve as mentors for each recipient of the Booth Scholarship Fund allowing them to mentor the students both professionally and academically. In 2016, Gary was awarded the Ohio State University Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his efforts in educating and mentoring the next generation of scientists and chemists.

Gary also remains a dedicated Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) alumnus, helping provide underserved students with scholarships and the emotional support necessary to succeed in college. He has also been a driving force behind creating a more sustainable environment. His company, Starshine Energy, has built six solar farms in Kentucky. Three of these are at schools, including Eastern Kentucky and Morehead State Universities, and allow students to mine data and learn more about the production of power and the process of extracting valuable information from a large database.

The Starshine Energy solar farms are only a portion of his solar projects. For over 20 years, he has worked with SonLight Power—a Christian organization that focuses on bringing power to poor communities by installing solar panels in Guatemala, Haiti, and Africa.

Gary is highly involved in the economic development of Ohio and Kentucky. For a decade he has chaired a team of alumni who mentor professors at Ohio State University in developing businesses from their research. And in Kentucky, he actively mentors and funds a team of high school boys who believe they can grow the world’s best strawberries hydroponically.

Other prestigious accomplishments include receiving an honorary doctoral degree from EKU in 2005, being among the first to receive the EKU College of Science Award in 2017 due to his impactful contributions and receiving an honorary Doctor of Science degree and professorship in chemistry from St. Petersburg University in Russia.

When Gary made the move to Maple Knoll Village retirement community, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the fall of 2020 his passion for creating a more sustainable future only increased. He is an enthusiastic member of the resident Arboretum and Sustainability Committees and has used his expertise to advise on ways Maple Knoll can reduce their carbon emissions, especially when it comes to new construction on campus. He has helped provide management with insight into new tax laws that provide incentives for sustainability projects, assisted architects and engineers to determine how new buildings can be carbon neutral, and has championed fundraising efforts for The Maple Knoll Communities’ Foundation sustainability projects.

His selfless disposition and generous heart continue to make a difference in the lives of every person he meets. His passion for sustainability is contagious and makes everyone around him excited for the future.

Learn more about this prestigious induction here: Ohio Department of Aging announces class for 2023 Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame | Department of Aging

Active Adult Communities vs. Retirement Communities: Understanding the Difference

a man on a bicycle

As individuals approach the age of retirement, they will often explore housing options that cater to their specific needs and lifestyle. Often used interchangeably, active adult communities and retirement communities present very different opportunities for older adults. Understanding the difference between these two living options for retirees will help you make an informed decision that fits your lifestyle.

Active Adult Communities

Active adult communities are designed for individuals that are seeking an independent lifestyle. These communities typically feature single-family homes, townhouses, or condominiums. Key features of active adult communities include:


One defining characteristic of active adult communities is the 55+ age restriction. These communities aim to create an environment where residents can enjoy an active and social lifestyle amongst their peers.  Age restrictions help ensure a sense of community and shared interests.


Geared towards an independent lifestyle, these communities provide an environment where residents are encouraged to pursue their hobbies, remain active, and socialize. While some residents of active adult communities may still work, others will spend their time organizing clubs and excursions with their neighbors. These communities do not typically have dedicated staff onsite to organize outings and activities.

Services and Healthcare

Maintenance and landscaping services are commonly provided to residents in active adult communities allowing them the freedom to maintain their own home independently. Interior maintenance of the home such as housekeeping services are not usually provided and would have to be contracted out. Healthcare and support services may not be readily available in the direct vicinity of the community. Should a resident’s health needs change, they may have to consider relocating to an assisted living or skilled nursing community.

Retirement Communities

Retirement communities are designed to provide a supportive and inclusive environment by offering a range of living options and care levels. A variety services are provided to residents based on their changing needs and independence. Key features of retirement communities include:

Age Diversity

Continuing care retirement communities like Maple Knoll Village are designed to allow residents to age in place by providing all levels of care. This includes independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing. These different levels of care allow for a diverse range of resident ages and abilities.

Engaging Lifestyle

Retirement communities employ activity staff dedicated to creating engaging activities and excursions for residents. This fosters a sense of community and belonging by encouraging residents to socialize, connect, and participate in group activities. At Maple Knoll Village, each level of care has its own dedicated activity staff ensuring activities are personalized based on individual abilities. Our residents enjoy a variety of activities and excursions such as weekly happy hours, technology classes, cooking demonstrations, and scheduled trips to art performances, museums, and restaurants.

Focus on Services and Healthcare Support

Retirement communities ensure quality care and support is provided by offering on-site healthcare services or local healthcare partnerships. Services may include assistance with daily activities, medication management, wellness programs, access to medical professionals, and specialized memory care for individuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

The nursing staff at Maple Knoll Village provide quality and compassionate care for residents with the bonus of an on-site clinic staffed by highly accredited physicians. The availability of healthcare services within the Maple Knoll community ensures that the changing health needs of residents are addressed promptly and effectively.

Retirement communities also provide a wide range of services such as: dining, housekeeping, transportation, landscaping, and maintenance. Residents of Maple Knoll also enjoy many on-site amenities including: a fitness center and indoor pool, multiple dining venues, a hair salon, technology lab, gathering spaces, and an accredited arboretum.

Making the Choice

Choosing between an active adult community and a retirement community depends on your needs and desired lifestyle. Active adult communities are ideal for those who live independent and active lives without fear of the future. Retirement communities are ideal for those who desire a supportive and inclusive community with options for different levels of care as their needs evolve.

When considering your retirement living options, it’s important to carefully consider factors such as lifestyle, healthcare requirements, and long-term goals. Touring different communities, talking to current residents, and consulting with loved ones can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your vision of a fulfilling retirement. To schedule a tour of Maple Knoll Village, please visit www.mapleknoll.org or call 513-782-2717.

Common Financial Scams that Target Older Adults


According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), over 88,000 individuals ages 60 and up reported they were victims of an internet scam in 2022. This was a drastic 84% increase compared to 2021 reports, and monetary losses totaled over three billion dollars, the highest monetary loss compared to all other age groups.

As the number of financial scams targeting seniors continues to rise, it is important to educate yourself and your loved ones on common scams to protect yourself against them. Some of the most common financial scams that target older adults include sweepstakes scams, robocall scams, and impersonation scams.

Sweepstakes Scams

One of the most common types of financial scams, sweepstakes and lottery scams tend to follow a similar script. The scammer will call or email an older adult notifying them that they have won a prize of some sort. The catch is that the scammer will claim that to receive their winnings, the older adult must cover taxes or shipping fees by sending them gift cards or money up front. This can result in the older adult losing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Any type of request to send someone money to receive a prize should be considered a red flag. If you find yourself on the receiving end of what you suspect is a sweepstakes scam, hang up and consult with a trusted friend or loved one before complying.

Robocall Scams

With the development of modern technology, robocall scams have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. Scammers can disguise the number they are calling from, making it seem that it is from a reputable organization. Some robocall scams will claim that your car payment did not go through, and immediate payment is required to prevent your car from being repossessed. Other robocall scams may claim they are from a law enforcement agency and request that you pay a fine otherwise you will be sued or arrested. If you ever receive one of these calls, it is important to contact local law enforcement to report the call and confirm if the information is true before taking any action.

Impersonation Scams

Scammers will often use a fake caller ID or email to pretend to be someone they are not such as your bank, utility company, or a government agency. They will use various high-pressure tactics to trick you into giving up information by playing on your emotions. They may claim that there has been fraud detected on your account or threaten you with legal action if you do not comply with their requests. While these tactics can certainly be scary, it is important to pause and evaluate the situation before reacting. If it seems abnormal for the company to contact you in this way or you were not expecting this type of phone call, do not give them any personal or financial information and hang up. If you think it might be a real phone call, it is still important to be cautious. Tell them you will call them back and hang up. Look up the customer service number for the company they are claiming to be from and give them a call to see if the request was legitimate.

Another type of impersonation scam that has become increasingly common is the “grandparent” scam. These phone calls can be especially scary as the scammer will call pretending to be the older adult’s child or grandchild. They may claim to be in trouble, in jail, or even kidnapped and will often demand you send them a gift card or money transfer. They may also demand that you keep this information private and request that you do not contact the authorities or your family about the situation. If you receive a phone call like this, it is only natural for you to feel scared and protective. However, it is extremely important to be careful and smart about how you respond. One way you can determine if it is actually your child or grandchild is by asking questions only, they would know the answer to. For example, if your child or grandchild does not have a brother named Ted, ask the caller if they have contacted their brother Ted. If they do not point out that they do not have a brother named Ted, you will know it is not your loved one. If you do fear that the phone call is real and your loved one is in danger, do not agree to send money and call the authorities immediately.

Scams can and do happen to anyone. They are designed to make us fall for them and can be incredibly sophisticated. Educating yourself and staying cautious are the best ways to protect yourself from scammers. Reputable organizations will never request gift cards as a method of payment, and you should never provide personal or financial phone via text or email.

Resources such as AARP, the National Council on Aging, and Ohio Department of Aging all provide great information and tools for protecting yourself against scams. If you feel you may have been the target of a scam, immediately report it to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

The Time for Seniors to Sell Their Home is Now

If you have been watching the housing market and wondering when the right time to sell your home is, the time could very well be now. According the Wall Street Journal, the real estate market is still strongly favoring sellers. Because of the high demand for homes and the low inventory available, the real estate market is experiencing a boom. Home showings often come with a long list of interested parties and buyers are often offering over the asking price to beat out their competition.

This has created the ideal environment for older adults to list their homes on the market and move into a more manageable living accommodation by downsizing into an active retirement community.

Selling Your Home

When starting the process of selling your home, it is important to consult a realtor. While realtors will typically collect a commission on each home sale, they also bring valuable knowledge and experience to the table that often greatly outweighs the cost. The right realtor can provide you with insight on minor improvements that can be made to your home to increase the value and attract more buyers. A realtor will also manage a variety of tedious tasks including scheduling and hosting tours, speaking with prospective buyers, fielding offers, and ensuring all appropriate paperwork is completed. Having an expert oversee the tasks you are not familiar with can alleviate much of the stress that comes with selling a home.

Homeowners should collaborate with their realtor to review the most recent comparable sales in their area to ensure they are setting a fair price that reflects the market’s current mortgage rates and inventory levels. “It is important to price a home correctly when it first lists as the longer a home stays on the market, the steeper the price cuts typically become” says Veronica Dagher from The Wall Street Journal.

“So far, all homes sold within 30 days in 2023 had an average discount of 7%”, says Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Relator’s chief economist. “Homes on the market over 120 days sold with 16% off list price”. With the right pricing, the equity made on the sale of your house can provide you with even more confidence as you move into your new home.

Deciding Where to Move

One of the most common roadblocks homeowners encounter when deciding to sell their home is having a new place to live lined up. Because the real estate market is currently a seller’s market, finding a new home that is not only available but also within your budget can be tricky.

Fortunately, retirement communities such as Maple Knoll Village provide peace of mind knowing that the price listed for your desired living accommodation is exactly what you will pay. The cost of living at a retirement community is generally allocated into one monthly fee that includes the cost of rent, utilities, maintenance, housekeeping, as well as added services and amenities allowing you to meet your financial goals without having to worry about added HOA fees and other surprise expenses.

Maple Knoll Village, offers a range of villa and apartment floorplans ranging in size from 590 to 4,000 square feet. This wide variety of living accommodations ensures there is something for everyone. The dedicated Marketing and Residential Services team ensure that you will be well prepared for your move to the community.

Moving Into Your New Home

The moving process can be tedious, emotional, and stressful for anyone, especially those who have lived in their home for decades. By starting early and having a well-organized plan, the moving process can become less stressful and even enjoyable.

Maple Knoll Village has numerous resources to make your moving process as seamless as possible including helpful articles on downsizing and partnerships with locally trusted senior moving companies such as Moving Matters

“In the moving industry, there is no typical day on the job. What I provide my clients with is the assurance that my 16 years of experience in both working for and now owning a small moving business has prepared myself and my team for just about anything” says Brendon Akey, Owner of Moving Matters.  

“Because clients who are looking to move typically have different amounts of cherished furniture and items, the timeframe for jobs varies. Some jobs can be completed in a couple of hours and are priced according to the hourly truck and fuel rate. Other larger jobs may require more resources including the full turn-key operation of packing, moving, unpacking, and hanging art on the walls. Most jobs can be completed in one day and are priced accordingly.

No one job is like the next and for that, I provide all clients with a free consultation. I have had the privilege of moving some incredible people, which is why I love what I do.”

If you are ready to start the moving process or just want to learn more about senior living, please visit us online at www.mapleknoll.org or give us a call at 513-782-2717.

When it Comes to Sustainability, Where You Live Matters

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is most often defined as the ability to exist and develop in the present without depleting natural resources of the future.

Why should living sustainably matter to you?

To put it simply, living sustainably should matter because our entire existence depends on the health of our planet. Natural resources allow us to enjoy many daily activities we take for granted such as breathing, driving our car to the grocery store, or even taking a shower. In fact, according to a Readers Digest article, if we ran out of energy sources such as water, oxygen, or fuel, there would be catastrophic consequences. These energy sources are nonrenewable meaning that they cannot be replaced nearly as fast as they are consumed. 


Water makes up about 70% of our planet’s surface, however, almost 95% of that water is unsuitable to be consumed due to it being confined to glacier formations or being polluted by industrial and agricultural waste. NASA has conducted numerous studies that have found that much of our freshwater sources are being drained much faster than they are being replenished. Increasing population worldwide, global warming, and urban development are three of the biggest culprits, yet, we as individuals are also to blame. The EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) estimates that each American uses over 80 gallons of water per day.

What can you do to conserve water?

While we are all probably guilty of unnecessarily wasting water at some point or other, there are simple changes we can make in our daily habits to help conserve water:

  1. Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth
  2. Install and use dual flush toilets in your home
  3. Use a rain barrel to water your indoor and outdoor plants
  4. Fix any existing leaks you might have. A leaky toilet can waste almost 200 gallons of water per day
  5. Run the dishwasher or washing machine only when you have a full load and make sure you are selecting the right load size on your washing machine
  6. Scrape dishes rather than rinse them before loading into the dishwasher
  7. Be mindful of your water use and take shorter showers

Oxygen and Fossil Fuels

NASA has determined that oxygen levels have been declining for hundreds of thousands of years, and the main culprit of this decline is carbon emissions. Carbon emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. Over 80% of energy in the United States comes from fossil fuels, and if we continue relying on these fuels like we currently are, scientists fear we may be at risk of running out of them by 2060.

On top of the risk of running out of fossil fuels, the carbon that is released from burning these fuels combines with oxygen molecules in the air and creates carbon dioxide (CO2). This process traps the oxygen in the air, preventing us from being able use that oxygen to breathe. CO2 is also the primary culprit of global warming. According to MIT, global warming causes our oceans to warm up significantly. Which might not sound too terrible except for the fact that the warmer liquids like water become, the less dissolved gas they can hold. The less gas our ocean water can hold, the less dissolved oxygen is available for marine life to survive off.

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint (the use of fossil fuels)?

  1. Turn off lights and devices whenever they are not in use. Try to make as much use out of natural light during the day as possible
  2. Use LED lightbulbs. Not only do these lightbulbs use less energy, but they also last much longer
  3. Reuse or replace products that are produced by fossil fuels.
    1. Avoid using disposable paper or plastic shopping bags. Instead opt for reusable fabric shopping bags
    2. Invest in reusable containers for water instead of buying bottled water
    3. Consider visiting a local zero waste store to explore different products you could be using in your daily life such as reusable towels to replace paper towels or beeswax sheets to replace saran wrap
  4. Recycle plastics, paper, and aluminum whenever possible
  5. Take public transportation, walk, or ride your bicycle if able to
    1. If using a car is your only option, consider an energy efficient vehicle
  6. You also might consider investing in solar panels for your home instead of solely relying on power from coal plants

Does it matter where you live?

The short answer is yes. When trying to live a more sustainable life, it is very important to surround yourself in a community that is also practicing living a sustainable lifestyle. In the near future, we can expect an increase in the number of senior living communities that will move towards significantly reducing their carbon footprint by living more sustainably.

Maple Knoll Village, a continuing care retirement community located in Cincinnati, Ohio, is already ahead of the sustainability game in many ways. The biggest strength our community has when it comes to sustainability, is community involvement and education. Our management team and residents recently formed a Sustainability Team dedicated to brainstorming ways they can create a more sustainable environment that will be enjoyed by many generations to come.

Residents have already begun implementing their ideas throughout campus including a shared vegetable and herb garden. While members of the resident community garden club are responsible for maintaining this garden, all residents are welcome to enjoy the produce grown. This not only allows our residents to reduce their carbon footprint by eating local, organic produce, but also provides opportunities for residents to get to know each other and socialize. Other resident efforts include educational pieces in monthly newsletters focused on recycling and daily changes you can make towards reducing your carbon footprint.

Our newest Coventry Court Villas earned the esteemed LEED Platinum Certification in 2020. This is the highest LEED (Leader in Energy and Environmental Design) level of certification available through the U.S. Green Building Council. This status was achieved by including these key design features: storm water capture & water efficient irrigation systems, energy star roof shingles and appliances, high efficiency gas furnaces, tankless gas water heaters, high performance E windows and doors, LED lighting fixtures, air tight building envelope with performance testing and continuous insulation, use of recycled and locally sourced building materials and roughed-in electric in each garage for optional electric car charger stations.

Plans for new construction at Maple Knoll Village feature green energy and sustainability at the forefront. As solar energy becomes more accessible and efficient, implementing solar panels and geothermal energy alternatives in new and existing construction is a high priority of the Sustainability Team as they continue to evaluate efforts towards creating a more sustainable community.

Sustainable communities like Maple Knoll Village not only provide a healthier living environment for residents but can also provide a more engaged lifestyle for residents offering them many opportunities to get involved and go green with their neighbors. A Harvard study found that the cognitive scores of residents residing in green communities were 61% higher than those that were not residing in green communities. Residents of these communities are also more likely to have a higher sense of purpose, fulfillment, and improved mental health.

Adopting sustainable practices, whether large or small, can have significant impacts in the long run. To learn more about Maple Knoll Village’s efforts towards becoming a more sustainable community and to schedule a tour of our community, contact us here.